Python – Selenium

Duration: Hours



    Training Mode: Online



    1. Introduction to Python.
    2. Variables, Keywords, Data types and Identifiers.
    3. String, List, Set, Tuple and Dictionary and Slicing
    4. Operators
    5. Control Statements
    6. Input and Print Statements
    7. Functions or Methods
    8. Oops
    9. File Handling and Json
    10. Exception Handling
    11. Comprehension
    12. Decorators
    13. Map, Filter and Lambda Expressions
    14. Iterators and Generators


    1. Introduction to automation
    2. Introduction to selenium
    3. Installation of selenium and setting-up the Environments
    4. Invoking the test-cases in various browsers
    5. Browser related operations
    6. HTML and CSS basic
    7. Identification of elements
    8. Locators
    9. Finding element

    Detailed Content

    Introduction to Python.

    1. Installation & Environment settings.
    2. Introduction to Shell.

    Variables, Keywords, Data types and Identifiers.

    1. Variables
    2. Keywords
    3. Data types
    4. Identifiers

    String, List, Set, Tuple and Dictionary and Slicing

    1. String Data types
    2. List Data types
    3. Set Data types
    4. Tuple Data types
    5. Dictionary Data types
    6. Slicing


    1. Arithmetic Operators
    2. Logical Operators
    3. Relational Operators
    4. Bitwise operators
    5. Assignment Operators
    6. Membership Operators
    7. Identity Operators

    Control Statements

    1. Decisional Statements
    2. Looping Statements
    3. Break, Continue and Pass

    Input and Print Statements

    1. Input statements
    2. Print statements

    Functions or Methods

    1. Types of Functions
    2. Recursion
    3. Arguments
    4. Packing and unpacking(varargs)


    1. Class, Objects
    2. Inheritance
    3. Method Overriding
    4. Access Specifies

    File Handling and Json

    1. Flat File Handling
    2. Json
    3. Pickle

    Exception Handling

    1. Try
    2. Except and final
    3. Custom Exceptions
    4. Raising Exceptions
    5. Assertions


    1. List Comprehension


    1. Method
    2. Class Level

    Map, Filter and Lambda Expressions

    Iterators and Generators

    Selenium Tool

    1.Introduction to automation
    2. Introduction to selenium
    3. Installation of selenium and setting-up the Environments
    4. Invoking the test-cases in various browsers
    5. Browser related operations
    6. HTML and CSS basics
    7. Identification of elements


    1. Id
    2. Name
    3. Class Name
    4. Tag-name
    5. Link text
    6. Partial link-text
    7. CSS selectors
    8. XPATH

    9.Finding element

    1. Using find element
    2. Using By Class

    10.Finding Multiple elements
    11. Select class
    12. Selenium Action Class
    13. Handling Frames and Windows
    14. Pop-up Handling
    15. Taking Screenshots
    16. Unit-Test Frameworks
    17. Pytest Frameworks
    18. Page Object Model
    19. Data Driven Frameworks
    20. Keyword Driven Frameworks
    21. Git, jenkin


    For more inputs on Python with selenium you can connect here.
    Contact the L&D Specialist at Locus IT.

    Locus Academy has more than a decade experience in delivering the training, staffing on Python Selenium for corporates across the globe. The participants for the training, staffing on Python Selenium  are extremely satisfied and are able to implement the learnings in their on going projects.


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    Selenium supports Python and thus can be utilized as Selenium WebDriver with Python for testing. Python is easy compared to other programming languages, having far less verbose. The Python APIs empower you to connect with the browser through Selenium

