Development with MongoDB

Duration: Hours

Training Mode: Online


MongoDB is an open source NoSQL database management program. NoSQL is used as an alternative to traditional relational databases. Locus IT has decade long industry experience in “MongoDB” consulting, staffing & training services.

a). Introduction to MongoDB

1. Features

2. Mongo DB on the Web

3. Positioning

4. Applications

5. Data Model

6. Limitations

7. Use Cases

8. Query Language (QL)

9. The CRUD Operations

10. The

11. find

12. Method

13. The

14. Find One

15. Method

16. Inserts

17. Mongo DB vs Apache CouchDB

18. Summary

b). Data Model

1. The BSON Data Format

2. Database Terminology

3. The _id Primary Key Field Considerations

4. Indexes

5. (Traditional) Data Modeling in RDBMS

6. Data Modeling

7. An Example of a Data Model

8. A Sample JSON Document Matching the Schema

9. To Normalize or Denormalize?

10. Limitations

11. Data Lifecycle Management

12. Data Lifecycle Management: TTL

13. Data Lifecycle Management: Capped Collections

14. Summary

c). Architecture

1. Blending the Best of Both Worlds

2. What Makes it fast?

3. Pluggable Storage Engines

4. Data Sharding

5. Sharding

6. Data Replication

7. A Sample Sharded Cluster Diagram

8. GridFS

9. Getting a File from GridFS

10. Security

11. Authentication

12. Data and Network Encryption

13. Summary

d). Administration

1. The Admin Shell

2. Getting Help

3. Admin Commands

4. Starting MongoDB

5. Running it on JavaScript

6. Shell Helper to JavaScript Equivalent Map

7. A MongoDB Script Example

8. Connecting

9. User Authentication

10. Authentication Options

11. Import / Export Operations

12. Extended JSON and Strict Mode

13. Examples of Extended JSON Encoding

14. Examples of Data Import / Export

15. The Robo3T Tool

16. Robo3T Connections

17. Connection Manager

18. Viewing Databases, Collections and Documents

19. Edit Capabilities

20. Admin Shell

21. Summary

e). Working with Data

1. Reading Data in MongoDB

2. The Query Interface

3. Query Syntax is Driver-Specific

4. Projections

5. Query and Projection Operators

6. Query to SQL Select Comparison

7. Cursors

8. Cursor Expiration

9. Writing Data in Mongo DB

10. An Insert Operation Example

11. The Update Operation

12. Update Operation Options

13. An Update Operation Example

14. A Remove Operation Example

15. Limiting Return Data

16. Data Sorting

17. Aggregating Data

18. Aggregation Stages

19. Accumulators

20. An Example of an Aggregation Pipe-line

21. Map-Reduce

22. Summary

f). Indexes 

1. Creating an Index

2. Listing Existing Indexes

3. The Sort Order

4. Using the Explain() Method

5. Main Index Types

6. The _id Field

7. Single and Compound Indexes

8. Multikey Indexes

9. Other Index Types

10. Index Properties

11. Examples of Creating Indexes with Index Properties

12. Summary

g). Accessing MongoDB from Node.js

1. Getting Started

2. The Connection URL

3. Obtaining a Collection

4. Inserting Documents

5. Updating a Document

6. Querying for Documents

7. Deleting a Document

8. Connection Pooling

9. Summary

h). Java Client

1. Accessing MongoDB from a Java Client

2. The MongoDB Java Driver

3. Using the Synchronous Driver in a Java Application

4. Connecting to MongoDB

5. Connecting to Mongo – Legacy API

6. Connecting to Mongo – Updated API (since 3.7)

7. Connection Options and the MongoClientURI

8. Using MongoClientURI

9. Connecting to a Replica Set

10. Connecting to a Sharded Cluster

11. Connection Configuration

12. Connecting and Accessing a Collection

13. Create a Collection

14. Insert a Document

15. Update

16. Update Operators

17. Read (Find)

18. Read (Find) Multiple Documents

19. Delete

20. BSON Library

21. Impedance Mismatch

22. Morphia Object Mapper

23. Setup

24. Connecting

25. Mapping

26. Simple Mapping

27. Saving Data

28. Queries

29. Summary

i). Securing 

  • Security Overview
  • Your Mileage May Vary
  • Security is Your Responsibility
  • First Things First
  • MongoDB Security
  • A MongoDB Security Checklist
  • Enable Access Control and Enforce Authentication
  • Configure Role-Based Access Control
  • Enable Authorization
  • Create an Admin User
  • Create a Database User
  • Protecting Data in Transit
  • Protecting Data at Rest
  • Limit Network Exposure
  • Audit System Activity
  • Run MongoDB with a Dedicated User
  • Run MongoDB with Secure Configuration Options
  • Compliance
  • Summary

j). MapReduce  

1. The Client – Server Processing Pattern

2. Distributed Computing Challenges

3. MapReduce Defined

4. Google’s MapReduce

5. MapReduce Phases

6. The Map Phase

7. The Reduce Phase

8. MapReduce Word Count Job

9. MapReduce Shared-Nothing Architecture

10. Similarity with SQL Aggregation Operations

11. Problems Suitable for Solving with MapReduce

12. Typical MapReduce Jobs

13. Fault-tolerance of MapReduce

14. Distributed Computing Economics

15. MapReduce vs Aggregation Pipelines

16. Summary

Lab Exercises

1. Learning the MongoDB Lab Environment
2. The Database Operations
3. The Admin Shell
4. Import Export Operations in MongoDB
5. Working with Data
6. Using MongoDB
7. CRUD Operations with the Java Driver
8. Aggregation with the MongoDB Java Driver
9. x509 Authentication in MongoDB
10. Authentication
11. Project – A RESTful API for MongoDB in NodeJS


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Locus Academy has more than a decade experience in delivering the training/staffing on MongoDB  for corporates across the globe. The participants for the training/staffing on MongoDB  are extremely satisfied and are able to implement the learnings in their on going projects.


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MongoDB is an open source NoSQL database management program. NoSQL is used as an alternative to traditional relational databases. NoSQL databases are quite useful for working with large sets of distributed data. MongoDB is a tool that can manage document-oriented information, store or retrieve information.