Testing and Debugging Knockout.js Applications

Duration: Hours


    Category: Tags: ,

    Training Mode: Online


    Introduction to Knockout.js Applications

    Knockout.js is a powerful and lightweight JavaScript library that helps developers create dynamic, rich web applications by using the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern. This training will guide you through the core principles of Knockout.js, from setting up the development environment to building and optimizing advanced applications using its features.

    Prerequisites of Knockout.js Applications

    1. Basic knowledge of JavaScript
    2. Familiarity with HTML and CSS
    3. Understanding of basic web development concepts
    4. Experience with JavaScript libraries or frameworks (optional but helpful)
    5. Understanding of the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) design pattern (optional)


    1. Introduction to Knockout.js Application

    1.1 What is Knockout.js?
    1.2 Why Use Knockout.js?
    1.3 Key Features and Benefits

    2. Getting Started

    2.1 Setting Up a Development Environment
    2.2 Downloading and Including Knockout.js in a Project
    2.3 Basic Structure of a Knockout.js Application

    3. Observables

    3.1 Understanding Observables
    3.2 Creating and Using Observables
    3.3 Computed Observables

    4. Bindings

    4.1 Introduction to Data Bindings
    4.2 Text Binding
    4.3 Value Binding
    4.4 Control Flow Bindings (if, foreach)

    5. View Models

    5.1 Creating View Models
    5.2 Connecting View Models with the UI
    5.3 Two-Way Data Binding

    6. Templates

    6.1 Using Templates to Organize Code
    6.2 Template Binding(Ref: Best Practices for Implementing Nokia FlowOne in Networks)

    7. Working with Forms

    7.1 Binding Form Elements
    7.2 Form Validation with Knockout.js

    8. Dependency Tracking

    8.1 Understanding How Knockout.js Handles Dependencies
    8.2 Managing Complex Data Relationships

    9. Custom Bindings

    9.1 Creating Custom Bindings
    9.2 Extending the Functionality of Knockout.js

    10. Advanced Topics

    10.1 Working with AJAX and Knockout.js
    10.2 Integrating Third-Party Libraries
    10.3 Debugging and Optimizing Knockout.js Applications

    11. Testing and Debugging of Knockout.js

    11.1 Unit Testing Knockout.js Applications
    11.2 Debugging Techniques


    Mastering Knockout.js allows developers to build scalable and maintainable web applications with ease. By learning how to implement data binding, create models, and optimize user interactions, you can enhance the user experience and ensure smoother application performance. This training equips you with the skills to leverage Knockout.js in real-world projects and stay ahead in modern web development.



      Category: Tags: ,