Duration: Hours

Training Mode: Online


1: Introduction to Linux and UNIX

  1. History of UNIX & LINUX
  2. Basic Concepts of Operating Systems, Kernel, shell and file system structure

2: Installation of Linux

  1. Different types of Installation Methods
  2. GUI
  3. Text

3: Linux System Structure

  1. Basic concepts of Linux
  2. Differences between Red Hat Enterprise Linux & CentOS
  3. Basic bash commands of Linux
  4. Editors [GUI & CLI]

4: Boot Process of Linux

  1. What is booting and boot process of Linux?
  2. Init Process or Runlevels

5: Software Package Administration

  1. Description of a Repository
  2. Difference between RPM and YUM
  3. Configuration of YUM server
  4. Installing and deleting software packages
  5. Querying and updating software packages

 6: User and Group Administration

  1. Types of Users in Linux
  2. Creating and deleting Users and Groups
  3. Modifying Users profile
  4. Adding Users into the Groups
  5. Important system files related to User & Group administration

 7: Advanced File Permissions

  1. Importance of Permissions
  2. Types of Permissions
  3. User level Permissions
  4. Group level Permissions
  5. Setting Access Level Permissions on Users & Groups

8: Disk Partitioning and Mounting File System

  1. Definition of Partition
  2. Types of Partitions
  3. Difference between ext2, ext3 and ext4 file systems
  4. Creating partitions using fdisk utility
  5. Formatting partitions using mkfs to create filesystems
  6. Mounting various filesystems temporarily and permanently

 9: Logical Volume Management

  1. What is LVM?
  2. Conversion of Partition into Physical Volume
  3. Creating volume groups and logical volumes
  4. Mounting the logical volume filesystems
  5. Extend and reduce the logical volumes.
  6. Data storage using LVM
  7. Renaming volume groups and logical volumes
  8. Removing physical volume, volume group and logical volume

10: Backup and Recovery

  1. Introduction to various types of backup media
  2. Backup and restoring using tar commands
  3. Automation of Jobs

11: NFS

  1. Configuring NFS server
  2. Mounting NFS exports on clients

12: NIS

  1. Basics of NIS
  2. Configuring NIS Servers and client
  3. Creating NIS users

13: DNS

  1. Basics of Internet
  2. Basics of DNS and BIND 9
  3. Configuring DNS primary server

 14: DHCP

  1. Configuring Linux as DHCP Server
  2. Configuring various clients for DHCP Server.

15: Web Server (Apache)

  1. Basics of Web Service
  2. Introduction to Apache
  3. Configuring Apache for main site
  4. Configuring Apache for multiple sites using IP-based, port based and name-based.

16: FTP Server

  1. Basics of File Transfer Protocol.
  2. Configuring vsftpd for anonymous ftp service.

17: Proxy Server (SQUID)

  1. Basics of proxy services
  2. Configuring proxy services
  3. Creating ACL’s for controlling access to internet

18: Samba Server

  1. Basics of file sharing in Windows
  2. Configuring Samba service for file sharing with windows systems

19: Mail Server Configuration

  1. Basics of Mail Servers
  2. Configuring SMTP service using sendmail.

 20: Log Server

  1. Importance of logs
  2. Configuring Syslog Messages.

21: Network Connections

  1. Configuring Physical IP Address
  2. Configuring Virtual IP Address
  3. Enabling & Disabling the Network Connect
  4. Iptables.

22: Basics of Shell scripting

23: Troubleshooting Linux

  1. Recovering the super user password.
  2. Troubleshooting network related problems.

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Linux is an open source operating system (OS). An operating system is the software that directly manages a system’s hardware and resources, like CPU, memory, and storage. The OS sits between applications and hardware and makes the connections between all of your software and the physical resources that do the work.