1: Introduction to Linux and UNIX
- History of UNIX & LINUX
- Basic Concepts of Operating Systems, Kernel, shell and file system structure
2: Installation of Linux
- Different types of Installation Methods
- Text
3: Linux System Structure
- Basic concepts of Linux
- Differences between Red Hat Enterprise Linux & CentOS
- Basic bash commands of Linux
- Editors [GUI & CLI]
4: Boot Process of Linux
- What is booting and boot process of Linux?
- Init Process or Runlevels
5: Software Package Administration
- Description of a Repository
- Difference between RPM and YUM
- Configuration of YUM server
- Installing and deleting software packages
- Querying and updating software packages
 6: User and Group Administration
- Types of Users in Linux
- Creating and deleting Users and Groups
- Modifying Users profile
- Adding Users into the Groups
- Important system files related to User & Group administration
 7: Advanced File Permissions
- Importance of Permissions
- Types of Permissions
- User level Permissions
- Group level Permissions
- Setting Access Level Permissions on Users & Groups
8: Disk Partitioning and Mounting File System
- Definition of Partition
- Types of Partitions
- Difference between ext2, ext3 and ext4 file systems
- Creating partitions using fdisk utility
- Formatting partitions using mkfs to create filesystems
- Mounting various filesystems temporarily and permanently
 9: Logical Volume Management
- What is LVM?
- Conversion of Partition into Physical Volume
- Creating volume groups and logical volumes
- Mounting the logical volume filesystems
- Extend and reduce the logical volumes.
- Data storage using LVM
- Renaming volume groups and logical volumes
- Removing physical volume, volume group and logical volume
10: Backup and Recovery
- Introduction to various types of backup media
- Backup and restoring using tar commands
- Automation of Jobs
11: NFS
- Configuring NFS server
- Mounting NFS exports on clients
12: NIS
- Basics of NIS
- Configuring NIS Servers and client
- Creating NIS users
13: DNS
- Basics of Internet
- Basics of DNS and BIND 9
- Configuring DNS primary server
 14: DHCP
- Configuring Linux as DHCP Server
- Configuring various clients for DHCP Server.
15: Web Server (Apache)
- Basics of Web Service
- Introduction to Apache
- Configuring Apache for main site
- Configuring Apache for multiple sites using IP-based, port based and name-based.
16: FTP Server
- Basics of File Transfer Protocol.
- Configuring vsftpd for anonymous ftp service.
17: Proxy Server (SQUID)
- Basics of proxy services
- Configuring proxy services
- Creating ACL’s for controlling access to internet
18: Samba Server
- Basics of file sharing in Windows
- Configuring Samba service for file sharing with windows systems
19: Mail Server Configuration
- Basics of Mail Servers
- Configuring SMTP service using sendmail.
 20: Log Server
- Importance of logs
- Configuring Syslog Messages.
21: Network Connections
- Configuring Physical IP Address
- Configuring Virtual IP Address
- Enabling & Disabling the Network Connect
- Iptables.
22: Basics of Shell scripting
23: Troubleshooting Linux
- Recovering the super user password.
- Troubleshooting network related problems.
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