NoSQL-CouchDB Training

Duration: Hours

Training Mode: Online


Introduction of  NoSQL-CouchDB Training

Welcome to NoSQL-CouchDB Training! This course is an open source NoSQL database based on common standards to facilitate Web accessibility and compatibility with a variety of devices. NoSQL databases are useful for very large sets of distributed data, especially for the large amounts of non-uniform data in various formats that is characteristic of big data. Documents are CouchDB’s central data structure. Contents of the database will be stored in the form of Documents instead of tables.

Prerequisites of NoSQL-CouchDB Training

    • Basic Understanding of Databases
      Foundational knowledge of databases, including key concepts and terminology.
    • Familiarity with NoSQL Concepts
      Understanding NoSQL databases to grasp CouchDB’s unique features.
    • Experience with JSON
      Comfort with JSON, as CouchDB uses it for data storage.
    • Basic Programming Skills
      Basic skills in a programming language like JavaScript for CouchApp development.
    • Understanding of APIs
      Fundamental knowledge of APIs for effective integration with CouchDB.

Table of Contents

  1. Installing CouchDB
    1.1. Introduction
    1.2. Installation: Get Up and Running Fast
    1.3. Technical Overview: Details of the Technology
  2. Configuring CouchDB
    2.1. Base Configuration
    2.2. couch_peruser
    2.3. CouchDB HTTP Server
    2.4. Authentication and Authorization
    2.5. Compaction Configuration
    2.6. Logging
    2.7. Replicator Query Servers
    2.8. External Processes
    2.9. HTTP Resource Handlers
    2.10. Internal Services
    2.11. Miscellaneous Parameters
    2.12. Proxying Configuration
  3. CouchApp
    3.1. Design Functions
    – 3.1.1. View Functions
    – 3.1.2. Show Functions
    – 3.1.3. List Functions
    – 3.1.4. Update Functions
    – 3.1.5. Filter Functions
    – 3.1.6. Validate Document Update Functions
    3.2. Guide to Views
    – 3.2.1. Introduction to Views
    – 3.2.2. Views Collation
    – 3.2.3. Joins with Views
    – 3.2.4. View Cookbook for SQL Jockeys
    – 3.2.5. Pagination Recipe
  4. CouchDB External APIs
  5. Query Server
    5.1. Query Server Protocol
    – 5.1.1. reset
    – 5.1.2. add_lib
    – 5.1.3. map_doc
    – 5.1.4. reduce
    – 5.1.5. rereduce
    – 5.1.6. ddoc
    – 5.1.7. Raising Errors
    – 5.1.8. Logging
    5.2. JavaScript
    – 5.2.1. Design Functions Context
    – 5.2.2. CommonJS Modules
  6. Fauxton
    6.1. Installation
    – 6.1.1. Get the Source
    – 6.1.2. Fauxton Setup
    – 6.1.3. Dev Server
    – 6.1.4. Deploy Fauxton
    6.2. Writing Addons
    – 6.2.1. Generating an Addon
    – 6.2.2. Routes and Hooks
  7. Cluster
    7.1. Setup
    7.2. Theory
    7.3. Node Management
    7.4. Database Management
    7.5. Sharding
  8. JSON Structure
    8.1. All Database Documents
    8.2. Bulk Documents
  9. Troubleshooting
    9.1. Breaking Changes
    9.2. Error Messages
    9.3. Known Problems
    9.4. Official CouchDB Bug Tracker

For more inputs on Couch DB you can connect here.
Contact the L&D Specialist at Locus IT.

Locus Academy has more than a decade experience in delivering the training/staffing on CouchDB  for corporates across the globe. The participants for the training/staffing on CouchDB  are extremely satisfied and are able to implement the learnings in their on going projects.

CouchDB is a document storage NoSQL database. It provides the facility of storing documents with unique names, and it also provides an API called RESTful HTTP API for reading and updating (add, edit, delete) database documents. In CouchDB, documents are the primary unit of data and they also include metadata.