WebStorm Development for Professionals

Duration: Hours


    Category: Tags: , ,

    Training Mode: Online


    WebStorm is an integrated development environment for JavaScript and related technologies and it makes your developing experience more enjoyable.

    Course Overview
    1. Installation and Setup
    2. HTML and CSS in WebStorm
    3. AngularJS and WebStorm
    4. Node.js and WebStorm
    5. Task Runners, Version Control, and Plugins

    Detailed Content

    1.Installation and Setup

    a). Introduction
    b). What Is WebStorm?
    c). Getting WebStorm
    d). Installation
    e). Your First Project
    f). Touring the IDE
    g). Organizing the IDE
    h). Using the Terminal
    i). Setting It Up for Your Coding Style
    j). Commands and Key Bindings
    k). Summary

    2. HTML and CSS in WebStorm

    a). Introduction
    b). Using Existing Code
    c). Coding in HTML
    d). Live Templates
    e). Using Bower
    f). Paths
    g). Coding in CSS
    h). Using Scopes
    i). Live Editing
    j). Using LESS and SASS
    k). Summary

    3. JavaScript Development 

    a). Introduction
    b). Coding in JavaScript
    c). Code Navigation
    d). Language Injection
    e). Debugging Code
    f). Debugging Panel
    g). Watches
    h). Authoring Live Templates
    i). Using CoffeeScript and TypeScript
    j). Debugging Meta Languages
    k). Summary

    4. AngularJS and WebStorm

    a). Introduction
    b). Getting Started
    c). Writing Controllers
    d). Using Routing
    e). More Data Binding
    f). Directives
    g). Summary

    5. Node.js and WebStorm

    a). Introduction
    b). Getting Started
    c). Adding Node.js to an Existing Project
    d). Node Code Completion
    e). Directories and Web Storm
    f). Adding Express.js
    g). Adding Views
    h). Debugging Node.js With Web Storm
    i). Building REST APIs
    j). Deployments
    k). Summary

    6. Task Runners, Version Control, and Plugins

    a). Introduction
    b). Using Grunt.js
    c). Using Gulp.js
    d). What Is Local History?
    e). Using Git
    f). GitHub Integration
    g). Using Web Storm Plugins
    h). Summary


    For more inputs on WebStorm Development for Professionals you can connect here.
    Contact the L&D Specialist at Locus IT.

    Locus Academy has more than a decade experience in delivering the training, staffing on WebStorm for corporates across the globe. The participants for the training, staffing on WebStorm are extremely satisfied and are able to implement the learnings in their on going projects.


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    Some developers prefer to use a full Interactive Development Environment (IDE) when creating projects. For JavaScript developers of all different stripes, WebStorm by JetBrains fills that need. In this course, we’ll dig into the fundamentals of how WebStorm can aid JavaScript developers creating projects for both client-side JavaScript, CSS, and HTML, as well as developing server-side JavaScript using Node.js.


      Category: Tags: , ,