Designing a comprehensive Python test automation Training course involves covering various topics related to software testing, test automation tools, best practices, and then hands-on exercises.
Here’s a suggested outline for the Course contents of Python For Test Automation :
1 Module : Introduction to Test Automation
- Understanding the importance of test automation
- Benefits and challenges of test automation
- Overview of popular test automation frameworks
2 Module : Python Essentials for Test Automation
- Introduction to Python programming for testers
- Basic syntax, datatypes, and then variables
- Conditional statements and loops
- Functions and modules
- Exception handling
3 Module : Test Automation Fundamentals
- Different levels of testing (such as unit, integration, functional, etc.)
- Manual vs. automated testing
- Writing effective test cases
- Introduction to test automation tools ( e.g. ,Selenium, pytest, etc.)
4 Module : Selenium WebDriver
- Setting up Selenium WebDriver with Python
- Locating and interacting with web elements
- Handling forms and user inputs
- Navigating between pages
- Implicit and explicit waits
5 Module : Web Testing Automation
- Automating user interactions ( such as clicks, inputs, selections)
- Verifying page content and structure
- Handling pop-ups and alerts
- Capturing screenshots and videos. therefore, Running tests across different browsers.
6 Module : API Testing with Python
- Introduction to APIs and their importance and then Making API requests using the request library.
- Handling responses and extracting data
- Verifying API responses and status codes
- API testing best practices
7 Module : Test Frameworks and Test Runners
- Introduction to test frameworks (such as Pytest, unit test, nose)
- Writing and organizing test cases using frameworks
- Running tests and generating reports
- Parameterized testing and fixtures
- Test discovery and test runners
8 Module : Test Automation Best Practices
- Creating maintainable and scalable test scripts
- Test data management and data-driven testing
- Using Page Object Model (POM) for better organization
- Continuous Integration and then Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) for automation
- Version control and collaboration in test automation projects
9 Module : Performance and Load Testing
- Introduction to performance testing
- Using tools such as JMeter for load testing
- Analyzing performance test results
- Identifying performance bottlenecks
10 Module : Advanced Topics in Test Automation
- Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) with tools such as Behave
- Mobile app testing using Appium
- Test automation for desktop applications
- Integrating test automation with DevOps processes
11 Module : Case Studies and Real-World Examples
- Walkthrough of real test automation projects
- Solving common challenges in automation
- Applying the learned concepts to real-world scenarios
12 Module : Final Project and Certification
- Participants work on a comprehensive test automation project
- Implementing test scripts, frameworks, and then best practices learned throughout the course
- Project presentations, code reviews, and feedback
- Course completion certificate
Finally, Remember that this is just a suggested outline, and you can tailor it to the needs and skill levels of your target audience. Additionally, regularly updating the course content to incorporate new tools, techniques, and best practices is crucial in the dynamic field of test automation. Click Here To Join full-stack-QA-automation Training:
Locus Academy has more than a decade experience in delivering the training, Staffing on Python For Test Automation for corporates across the globe. The participants for the training, Staffing on Python For Test Automation are extremely satisfied and are able to implement the learnings in their on going projects.