REST API Development with Go Programming

Duration: Hours


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    Training Mode: Online



    Go, also known as Golang, is a statically typed, compiled language developed by Google that focuses on simplicity, concurrency, and efficiency. Created to address limitations in other languages when it comes to scalability and performance, Go is particularly popular for backend development, cloud services, and distributed systems. Known for its clean syntax, garbage collection, and native support for concurrent programming, Go has become a preferred choice for developers building scalable, high-performance applications.

    Prerequisites for Go Programming

    1. Basic Programming Knowledge: Familiarity with foundational programming concepts such as loops, functions, and variables.
    2. Understanding of Data Structures: Familiarity with data structures like arrays, slices, and maps will aid in grasping Go’s syntax and utilities.
    3. Command Line Basics: Since Go is typically used in development environments requiring command-line tools, basic familiarity with terminal commands is useful.
    4. Interest in Concurrency: Understanding of or interest in concurrent programming will help in fully leveraging Go’s concurrency model.


    1. Introduction to Go
    1.1 What is Go?
    1.2 History and Motivations
    1.3 Key Features

    2. Setting Up Go Environment
    2.1 Installing Go
    2.2 Setting up GOPATH and GOROOT
    2.3 Using the Go Command-Line Tools

    3. Hello World in Go
    3.1 Writing Your First Go Program(Ref: Go Full Stack Development: From Frontend to Backend)
    3.2 Understanding Packages and Imports
    3.3 Compiling and Running a Go Program

    4. Basic Syntax
    4.1 Variables and Data Types
    4.2 Constants
    4.3 Operators
    4.4 Control Flow (if, switch, for)

    5. Functions
    5.1 Declaring and Defining Functions
    5.2 Function Parameters and Return Values
    5.3 Variadic Functions
    5.4 Anonymous Functions

    6. Data Structures
    6.1 Arrays and Slices
    6.2 Maps
    6.3 Structs

    7. Pointers
    7.1 Understanding Pointers
    7.2 Pointers and Functions
    7.3 Memory Management in Go

    8. Concurrency
    8.1 Goroutines
    8.2 Channels
    8.3 Sync Package

    9. Error Handling
    9.1 Error Types in Go
    9.2 Panic and Recover
    9.3 Handling Errors Gracefully

    10. Packages and Libraries
    10.1 Creating and Using Packages
    10.2 Importing and Using External Libraries
    10.3 The Go Standard Library

    11. Testing in Go
    11.1 Writing Unit Tests
    11.2 Running Tests
    11.3 Writing Benchmarks

    12. Web Development with Go
    12.1 Introduction to Web Frameworks (e.g., Gin, Echo)
    12.2 Handling HTTP Requests and Responses
    12.3 Building a Simple Web Application

    13. Database Access
    13.1 Connecting to Databases
    13.2 CRUD Operations with Go and Databases

    14. RESTful APIs
    14.1 Designing RESTful APIs
    14.2 Implementing RESTful Services in Go


    Go programming offers a powerful yet streamlined language designed for efficiency and scalability. By mastering Go, developers gain the ability to build fast, concurrent, and highly reliable applications. Go’s simplicity, paired with its powerful concurrency model, positions it as an excellent language for tackling modern software development challenges, from backend services to cloud-native applications.

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