Dotnet is a framework that provides a programming guideline can be used to develop a wide range of applications from web to mobile to Windows-based apps.
1). MS.NET
- MS.NET Framework
- VB.NET and C# Languages
- Developing Console Application
- Language Basics
- Essentials of Object-Oriented Programming
- Working with Classes and Objects
- Working with Collections
- Exception Handling
- Inheritance,Interface & Polymorphism
- C# Features/General Features
- Data Streams and Files
- Working with Components/Assemblies
- Multi-threading
- Data Access using ADO.NET
- Win Forms
- Windows Services
- Packaging and Deployment
- Debugging and Tracing
Basic Of HTML and JavaScript
Introduction to ASP :
- Basic Of HTML and JavaScript
- Introduction to ASP
- Web Forms
- Using Web Controls
- Masterpages and UserControl
- Applying Themes and Styles to Controls
- ASP.NET State Management
- ASP Intrinsic Objects
- ASP.NET Web Application
- Data Access Controls
- Caching
- Configuration
- Trace Functionality
- Security
- Globalization and Localization
- At least consistent object-oriented or object-based development experience in Java, C#, VB, or another modern object-oriented or object-based language. In addition, should know the basics of SQL and relational databases.
ASP.NET Training Course Objective :
- Introduction to web technologies
- Web Forms Architecture
- ASP.Net and HTTP
- Web application developing using Visual Studio
- State Management and Web Applications
- ASP.Net Server-side controls
- Caching in ASP.Net
- ASP.Net application configuration
- Debugging, Diagnostics of application
- Connectivity with Database using ADO.Net/Entity Framework
- Data Access Controls
- Personalization and Security
- Introduction to Web Services
- Introduction to WCF
ASP.NET Training Course Overview :
- Introduction To Web Applications [Prerequisites]
- Additional Needed Services in Web Apps(Optional)
Introduction To Web Applications [Prerequisites] :
- Types of Applications – Web, Desktop & Mobile Applications.
- Web applications with Web Server.
- Web Server role, about IIS, APACHE, and CASSINI.
- Web Browsers, Web Support Languages.
- Understanding http, TCP/IP, LAN, WAN & O/S role in web development.
- Why Scripting & its importance.
- Client-Side & Server-Side Scripting.
Overview Of .NET (ASP.NET) :
- Intro to .NET
- Drawbacks of Current Trend
- .NET Framework
- Key Design Goals
- CLR, CTS, MSIL, & Other Tools
- Multiple Language Interaction & Support
- Moving from Project to Assemblies…
- Security Services and environment
- Vista & IIS 6.0/7.0 & their requirements
- Installing & Configuring VS.NET/.NET 2.0/3.0/3.5
- AJAX(ATLAS) importance in Web application
- The need for AJAX & the Solution
Active Server Pages .NET Role :
- Shifting from ASP to ASP.Net, to web 2.0 (new)
- ASP.Net as Framework, Namespaces
- ASP.Net – New Scenario in development process with IDE – VS.NET
- Web Pages to Web Forms, HTML – ASP.NET, State management- an Important Objective
- Understanding the ASP.NET Execution Scenario
- C#.Net role in ASP.NET Development
- ASP.NET/C#.Net – the Industry approach
- HTML, HTML Controls, ASP.NET Controls
- Client-side & Server-side Controls
- Consuming HTML Client/Server Controls in WebForms
- Consuming ASP.Net Controls in WebForms
- Understanding the Rendering Nature of Controls Developing a Simple Startup Application.
ASP.NET WEB FORMS – The New Technology (Beginning) :
- Introducing Web Forms, Worker process
- Working with Server Controls
- Applying Styles to Controls, Themes, Skins etc.
- Page Directives and its use.
- Separating Code & Design.
- New Code behind Techniques.
- Implementing ASP.NET Server Controls.
- Types of ASP.NET & their need/render
- Intrinsic – Validation – Bound – DataSource
- Navigation – Login – Web Parts & AJAX.-as building blocks
WEB FORMS – Introduction to Ajax Input Validation :
- Validating Form with Validation Controls of
- Using RequiredFieldvalidator control
- Using CompareValidator Control Using RangeValidator Control
- Using CustomValidator control
- Create Server-side / Client-side functions for – CustomValidator Control
- Group Validations & avoiding Validations.
- Finally – Client Targets & ValidationSummary control .
- XML, XML to HTML, XML & Databases
- XML Schema Definition Tool
- Overview of ADO.NET/ XML Support in .NET
- Connect/Insert/Update/Delete,Query data -using ADO.NET
- Retrieve data with datasets
- Data Adapters, Understanding Data tables
- Build Data table programmatically
- Filter and sort Data table, Data Relations
- Parameters with Command Object
- Stored Procedures with ADO.NET using –output parameters
- Develop a Registration form using ADO
Presenting Data Using ASP.NET Bound Controls (Using VB.NET/C#)
- ASP.Net bound controls
- DataSource Controls
- Repeater & its uses.
- DataBound and DataAware Controls
- Bind data to Dropdownlist Control
- Datalist control
- DataGrid(1.1/2.0) Control
- GridView & its importance in Development
- GridView(Basic) – simple uses
- GridView (Advanced) –Runtime Fields, Empty DataRows, NTier …
- FormView & DetailsView
- ListView
- Introduction to Microsoft AJAX.(Code name ATLAS)
- XML Http object
- Programming with XML HTTP Object
- Advantages and Disadvantages of AJAX.
- Features of AJAX.
- MS Implementation of AJAX
ASP.NET Error Handling & Debug :
- Error Handling & .NET Runtime
- Avoid Errors before they occur
- Structured Error Handling
- Catching General Exceptions
- Catching Specific Exceptions
- Throwing Exceptions
- Custom Exceptions
- Page Level Error Handling
- Application Level Error Handling
User Controls :
- Creating User Controls
- Adding member to user controls.
- Registering User Controls
- Properties & Methods
- Dynamically loading user controls
- Master Pages
Configuring ASP.NET Applications :
- Web Application configuration-Advantages.
- New Configuration Model, ASP.NET Confn Tool
- Web Application Machine Configuration
- Global Assembly Cache, Strong Names VS2005.
- Working with Assembly Info
- Web.Config, Machine.Config
- Process Model –System Configuration.
ASP.NET Web Applications :
- About Session & Application object
- Comparison between Session & Application
- Using the Global.asax file
- Managing Application State
- Http Handlers
- Application & Session Variables
- Application & Session Events
CACHE Services :
- Caching Overview
- Advantages of Caching
- Comparing with Application & Session var’s
- Page Output Caching
- Page Data Caching
- Fragment Caching
Security :
- Security Overview
- Authentication & Authorization
- Windows-based Authentication
- Passport Authentication.(WebServices)
- Forms-based Authentication
- Memberships
- Authorizing Users and Roles
- User Account Impersonation
Deployment :
- Deploying ASP.NET Application
ASP.NET XML Web Services :
- Introducing XML Web Services
- Differences Between DCOM / Remoting / Web Services
- Webservices.
- Writing a Simple Web Service
- Xml web services stack, SOAP,WSDL,UDDI,Sync an
- Async calls
- Web Service Type Marshalling
- Using Data in Web Services
- Using Objects and Intrinsic
- HTML Pattern Matching
- New concept in Web Apps.
- Advantages and Disadvantages.
- Predefined/ user defined controls with webparts.
Windows Vista-New Features :
- Gadgets/side bars.
- Office 2007
- VS to tools for office.
Mobile Applications :
- Mobile forms
- Mobile Environment – Today’s Need.
- Needed Infrastructure
- WAP, WML overview.
- MS Mobile Explorer.
- Open ware Simulators.
- Line smart phones and Pocket PC Applications.
Smartphone And Pocket PC :
- What is Smartphone / Pocket Pc?
- Application for smartphone / pocket pc
- Deploying / Run application in devices / Live
- What is VSTO?
- Programming developing managed addings for outlook.
- Advantages VSTO
- VSTO 2005 SE
- Runtime component.
Additional Needed Services in Web Apps(Optional)
- MSMQ in ASP.Net
- Its need in data transferring
- MSMQ – Its role in heterogeneous networks and systems
- Crystal Reports in ASP.Net
- Designing Reports for Web Browsers
3) ASP.NET MVC 6 Training Course Content :
Asp.Net MVC 6
Prior .NET web application development experience and familiarity with Object-Oriented Programming concepts is assumed. Some experience with HTML and Javascript is also expected. Experience developing ASP.NET MVC Training applications with Web Forms would be beneficial.
Introduction to ASP.NET MVC 6 :
- Introduction to MVC 6
- NET Web Forms (vs) ASP.NET MVC
- Advantages and disadvantages of each
- Determining when-to-use which one
- List of Versions of ASP.NET MVC
- Differences between versions of ASP.NET MVC
- Overview of installing ASP.NET MVC in various versions of Visual Studio
- MVC Architecture
- What is MVC?
- Architecture Explanation
- What is Controller and action method
- What is View
- What is Model
- Request Flow in ASP.NET MVC
Getting started with MVC Core :
- New Project in Visual Studio
- Overview of Folders and files of MVC project
Controllers :
- Introduction to Controllers
- Creating Controllers and Actions
- Calling action methods thru the browser
- Returning from action methods
- Parameters in Action methods
- ActionLink
- URL Routing
- Overview
- The need of URL Routing
- Parameters in URL
- Default Parameter Values
- Parameters with Constraints
- Literals in URL
Views (Razor) :
- Introduction to Views (Razor)
- ActionResult and ViewResult
- Returning a view
- Creating a Simple Razor View
- Intermingling Code and Markup in Razor Views
- View Bag / View Data / Temp Data
- Shared Views
- ASPX View Engine (vs) Razor
Layout Views :
- Introduction to LayoutViews
- The need of layout views
- cshtml
- Creating custom layout views
- Layout Views with Sections
- RenderSection()
- cshtml
- Overriding the _ViewStart.cshtml
Partial Views :
- Partial Views
- RenderPartial()
Models :
- Introduction to Models
- Need of models
- Creating models using ‘CodeFirst approach’
Entity Framework in MVC :
- Introduction to Entity Framework
- Need of Entity Framework
- Creating DbContext and DbSet
- Configuring connection string
Scaffold Templates in MVC :
- Introduction to scaffold Templates in MVC
- Need of Scaffolding
- Creating controllers and views using scaffold
- Strongly typed views
- Understanding Index, Details, Create, Edit, Delete action methods and views
HTML Helpers :
- Introduction to HTML helpers
- DisplayNameFor( )
- DisplayFor( )
- BeginForm( )
- LabelFor()
- EditorFor( )
- ValidationMessageFor( )
- RadioButtonFor( )
- DropDownListFor( )
- ListBoxFor( )
- CheckBoxFor( )
- AntiForgeryToken()
- Code First Migrations
Action Filters :
- Introduction to action filters
- [HttpPost]
- [HttpGet]
- [ValidateAntiForgeryToken]
- [OutputCache]
- [HandleError]
- [NonAction]
- [ActionName]
Bundles and Minification :
- Introduction to Bundles and minification
- Understanding BundleConfig.cs
- ScriptBundle (vs) StyleBundle
- Importing a ScriptBundle and StyleBundle
- Creating and consuming custom bundles
Validations :
- Introduction to Validations
- Model level validations (vs) View level validations
- Importing jQuery Validation Plug in
- [Required]
- [RegularExpression]
- [Range]
- [StringLength]
- [Compare]
- [Remote]
- IsValid
Data Annotations :
- [Display]
- [Datatype]
- [DisplayFormat]
- [ScaffoldColumn]
jQuery in MVC :
- Introduction to jQuery in MVC
- Need of jQuery in MVC
- Importing/updating jquery plug in
- Demos
jQuery AJAX in MVC :
- Need of jQuery-AJAX in MVC
- Demos on jQuery-AJAX (with json) in MVC with database handling
- Intro to jQGrid
Web API :
- Introduction to Web API
- WCF REST (vs) Web API
- Understanding HTTP methods(GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
- Creating API controller
- API configuration
- Calling Web API from jQuery
- Demo: CRUD operations using jQuery AJAX with Web API
Security in MVC :
- Forms based security with [Authorise]
- Windows based security
What’s new in MVC Core :
- Web API 2
- Overview of Facebook Application
- OWIN Abstraction
- Inbuilt Support for Dependency Injection
- Web API 3
Repository Layer and Service Layer :
- Introduction to Repository Layer and Service Layer
- MVC Architecture with both layers
- Demos
Dependency Injection :
- Problems in accessing repository layer / service layer directly in controller
- What is Dependency Injection
- Installing ‘Unity’ plug in
- Configuring Unity
- Construction injection and property injection using interface
Database – First approach in MVC :
- Introduction to Database-First approach in MVC
- Demos on ‘Database-First’ approach
Areas in MVC
- Introduction to areas in MVC
- Demos on areas
Mobile Web Apps using MVC
- Introduction to jQuery Mobile
- Mobile Application’ project template
- Overview of Customizing jQuery Mobile
- Deployment
- Configuring IIS
- Publishing MVC web applications to local IIS
Angular 9 Integration
- What is Angular9
- Advantages
- Getting started
- MVVM and MVC Architecture
- What is Model, View, ViewModel
- Creating view model
- data-bind
- Observable properties
- Subscribe
- Working with Directives, Services, Filters, Functions
Single Page Application (SPA)
- What is SPA
- Need of SPA
- Getting started
- Angular JS with API
- Reading and posting data
4) C#.NET
This C#.NET training teaches non-experienced people how to create the Solutions/Applications using C#.NET. C#.NET is Microsoft’s entry into the world of managed programming. Using a syntax that is deliberately from Java, C++ and C, C#.NET achieves a natural trade-off of terseness and clarity, enabling programmers to express concepts in a clear and maintainable form. The recent enhancements to the language have made it even more powerful than before, allowing programmers to work with C#.NET in both an Object-Oriented and partially functional style.
C#.Net Training Course Content Objective :
- Learn the fundamentals of C# programming in Visual Studio.
- Using .Net Framework
- Working with variables, data types
- Work with standard programming skills
- Exception Handling in C#
- Object oriented programming in C#
- Object oriented techniques
- Working with Arrays
- Create Generic classes and methods.
- Collections in C#
- Generate and test your own classes using the Class Designer and Object Test Bench tools.
- Use delegate types to provide flexibility and type safety.
- Use anonymous types, lambda expressions, extension methods, object initializers, and implicit type declarations
C#.Net Content Overview :
- Introduction of .Net
- Net Framework [Advanced]
- Visual C#.Net Language
- .Net Installations/C#.Net
- Programming Using Visual C#.Net
- Introduction To Windows Forms – I
- Windows Forms – II
- Object Oriented Concepts (Basic)
- Object Oriented Concepts (Advanced)
- Object Oriented Concepts (Implementation Oriented)
- Error Handling
- Ado.Net 1.1/2.0/LINQ
- ADO.Net Components
- Data Sources And .Net Data Providers
- Accessing Data In The Connected Environment
- Accessing Data In Disconnected Environment
- Sorting, Searching And Filtering
- Live Case Study and Implementation Of ADO.NET in N-Tier
- Creating Custom Windows Controls
- Windows Services*
- .Net Remoting
- Crystal Reports*
- Application Deployment
Introduction/Overview of .Net :
- Introduction to .Net
- Platform for the .Net
- Drawbacks of Current Trend
- Net Framework – BCL & CLR l Key design goals
- CLR, CTS, MSIL & other tools.
- Multiple Language Interaction & support l Moving from Project to Assemblies…
- Security in .NET – CAS
.Net Framework [Advanced]
- Advantages/Disadvantages
- Features of .Net
- Assemblies in Detail
- GAC, Strong Names
- Language Interop
- Reflection
Visual C#.Net Language
- Advantages/Disadvantages
- Why C#/ Why Not C#
- Where does C# Fit in
- C, C++ to Visual C#
- Features of C#
- .NET Namespaces
.Net Installations/C#.Net
- .NET Versions – 1.1/2.0/3.0/3.5 Beta
- Visual Studio.NET 2003/2005/Orcas/2008
- Windows Vista – New Look
- Gadgets/SideBars/UAC – relation with .NET
- Hardware/Software Requirements
- FAQ’s with detailed answers
Programming Using Visual C#.Net
- The start of the application
- C#.Net Program Design
- Variables and types
- Value types and reference types (CTS)
- Strings and arrays
- The Console class
- String formatting
- Statements and flows
- Programming Structures
- Command-line arguments
- VS.NET to Create C#.NET Apps
- C# 3.0/3.5 features – Implicit types , Extention Methods and more.
Introduction To Windows Forms – I
- Windows forms library – WinForms
- Layout Enhancements
- Forms and controls – Hierarchy
- Creating simple GUI by hand
- Event handling
- Basic controls
- Windows forms – buttons, check boxes, radio buttons, panels, group boxes, list boxes, picture boxes…
Windows Forms – II
- Menus
- Built-in dialog boxes and printing
- Extender Controls
- ToolStrips, StatusStrips and progress bars
- A new MDI forms strategy
- Inheritance with forms
- New Controls – Web Browser, Property Grid etc
- Classes & objects
- Abstract & override methods
- Creating and using your own classes l Data members and member methods l Instantiate an object
- This keyword
- Properties – Read Only Write Only…
- Build process using windows class library l Generate classes for other clients
- How to use classes as part of project
- Accessibility levels, specifiers
- Constructors
- Method overloading
- Class (static) variables & methods
- Object destruction
- ‘ref’ and ‘out’ parameters
- Constant values
- Enumerations
- Inheritance and Polymorphism
- The root of all classes
- Creating derived classes
- Method overriding and hiding
- Polymorphism and virtual functions
- Casting objects
- Abstract classes
- Sealed classes
- Static classes
Implementation Oriented:
- Case Studies
- Class Diagram in VS.Net
- Refactoring & others
- FAQ’s
Error Handling :
- Unstructured error handling support
- Structured error handling
- Error categories
- Debugging the application
- Debug and Trace classes
- Code Optimization
- Testing and strategies
Ado.Net 1.1/2.0/LINQ :
- History and background
- From DAO to ADO.NET
- ADO.NET design goals
- The ADO.NET architecture and its components
- ADO.NET in relation to the other .NET tools
- DataSet in RealTime Scenarious
ADO.Net Components :
- Connected and disconnected environment
- ADO.NET object model
- Data sources, providers and connections
- Commands and data readers
- Data sets and data adaptors
- Data tables, rows and columns
- Constraints and relations
- Data-centric applications – New ADO.Net Hierarchy
Data Sources And .Net Data Providers :
- Connecting to a data source
- SQL Server .NET data provider
- OLE-DB .NET data provider
- Connections and connection strings
- SQL-Server integrated security
- Connection pooling
- ADO.NET exceptions
Accessing Data In The Connected Environment :
- Commands
- Creating and executing commands
- Reading data using a data reader
- Batch queries & single result queries
- Parameterised queries (input & output parameters)
- Adding, editing and deleting data
- Stored procedures
Accessing Data In Disconnected Environment
- Why using a disconnected environment?
- DataSet and DataAdapter features
- Filling data sets using data adapters
- Read data using data tables, rows and columns
- Batch queries and data sets
- Visual Studio Data Menu & tools
- DataSet Navigation
- DataSet Functionality
- DataSet Optimistic Concurrency
Sorting, Searching And Filtering
- Searching in data sets
- Find on primary keys
- Searching on any column
- Searching on row state
- Wildcard searches
- Sorting and filtering using data views
- Searching in a data view
Live Case Study and Implementation Of ADO.NET in N-Tier :
- Client Server Basics
- N-Tier – Classical and New
- N-Tier importance w.r.t other .Net technologies
- Build User Interface Layer – importance
- Business Layer in N-Tier – advantages & disadvantages
- Data Access Layer – Generic/Specific Advantages
- N-Tier DataBase Application
- SQLHelper, CodeSmith etc tools awareness
- XML Basics – Importance in Todays world
- XML designers/support in VS.NET
- XML Derived Technologies – XSD ,XSL , SOAP ,WSDL
- System.Xml Namespace
- Stream Model XML
- XmlTextReader,TextWriter
- XmlTextReader, TextWriter XMLDocument/ XmlDataDocumentClasses
- Dom Objects – XMLNode/XMLNodeList
- XPATH- Query Language for XML
- DOM – Navigation & Access Case Studies
Creating Custom Windows Controls :
- About user – defined controls
- Understanding the control class with Container
- Add Properties/Methods/Events to Control
- Pack & use control in other windows applications
- Create & implement a windows control
Windows Services :
- Understanding services
- Creating windows services
- Setting properties
- Compile, run & install services
- Event log services
.Net Remoting :
- About Distributed Applications
- COM/DCOM in Distributed Environment
- Drawbacks of DCOM
- .NET Remoting – New distributed environment
- Advantages & Disadvantages
- Remoting – Web Services comparisons
- Channels
- Formatters
- Programming Model – Object Styles & Lifestyles
- Activation
- Case Study – Implementation using Remoting
Crystal Reports :
- Reporting Need in the application
- Crystal Reports – Reporting Tool
- Different Versions of Crystal Reports
- Developing a Crystal Report
- Different ways to Invoke/Deploy Crystal Reports
Application Deployment :
- Packaging Code
- ClickOnce Deployment
- Configuring the .Net framework
- Deploying the application in Web Server
- Deployment – other methods
5) Web Services and WCF
Web Services and WCF Course Syllabus Overview :
- Introduction to Windows communication Foundation
- Developing WCF Service Application and Client
- Endpoints in configuration file
- Channel Stacks & Bindings in WCF
- Understanding Service and Data Contracts
- Handling WCF Exceptions/Faults
- Message Exchange Patterns
- Transactions
6) WPF Course Content
Introduction :
- What is WPF ?
- Types of WPF Application (Windows Based and Browser Based)
- XAML – Extensible Application Markup Language.
- First WPF Application
- Goals , Benefits and drawbacks
- Content Models
Expression Blend :
- What is Expression Blend
- Different tabs and windows available
Basic Controls, Content Controls, Layout Controls and Menu Controls
Properties :
- Property basics
- Type Converters
- Property element Syntax
- Attached properties
- Property Inheritance
Pens and Brushes :
- Mouse Events
- Keyboard Input
- Routed Events
Data Binding
- Simple Data Binding
- Binding to List Data
- Data Source Providers
- Master Details Binding
Styles and Templates
- Inline Styles
- Named Styles
- Element typed Styles
- Triggers
- Logical and Visual trees
- Data Driven UI
Resources and Themes
Event Triggers and Animations
- Animation Fundamentals
- Timelines
- Keyframe Animations
- Animation without storyboards
Transformations and Effects
- Commanding, Layout, Render Transformations
- Effects
- Fixed Documents
- Flow Documents
Navigation-Based Applications
- Page
- Hyperlink Navigation
- Navigation Service
- Frame
7) Silverlight Course Content:
- Silverlight Introduction & tools
- Silverlight Concepts
- Silverlight User Interface controls
- Transformation and Animation
- Silverlight Controls, Resources, Styles, Templates, Graphics & Media
- UI Interaction using Mouse and Keyboard
- Data Binding
- Creating Custom Controls
- Silverlight Navigation Applications
- Working with WCF, ASMS and ADO.NET Services
- Integrating with the Browser (Client side programming)
8) LINQ Course :
C# Language Extensions in 3.5 (Prerequisite)
- Type Inference
- Object Initialize’r
- Anonymous Types
- Extension Methods
- Partial Method
LINQ Architecture & Providers
- Understanding the LINQ Framework
- LINQ Providers
- IEnumerable and IQueryable interfaces
- System.Linq namespace
- Query Expressions
- Lambda Expression
- Using Custom Class Collection
- Defining the Data Model classes
- Using Mapping attributes
- Using the Data Context class
- Defining Relationships using Associations
- Creating a customized Data Context class
- LINQ to SQL Designer (DBML File)
- Performing Add/Edit/Delete/View Operations
- Tracking changes to entities
- Submitting changes
- Concurrency error handling issues
- Join Query
- Validating Entities
- Transaction Handling
- Executing Stored Procedures
- Understanding the LINQ to XML Class hierarchy
- Create an XML document
- Loading existing XML document
- Querying XML using LINQ to XML
- Manipulating XML document using LINQ
- Adding nodes
- Modifying nodes
- Deleting nodes
LINQ to Dataset:
- Querying DataSets
- Querying typed DataSets
- Using LINQ over DataSet with Table Adapter
9) SharePoint
- General Introduction
- Introduction to SharePoint
- SharePoint Installation
- SharePoint Site Hierarchy
- Lists
- Predefined List
- Predefined Libraries
- Working With Document Library
- Pages and Web Parts
- Workflows
- Security – User Groups and Permissions
- Managing SharePoint Central Administration
- Understanding Service Applications
- Enterprise Content Management
- User Profile Service Administration
- Administering and configuring Search
- Backup and Restore
- PowerShell
- Claim Based Authentication
- Server Object Model
- Client Object Model
- Features
- Managing SharePoint Environment
- Event Receivers
- Programming Web Parts
- Sandboxed Solutions
- Business Connectivity Service
- Custom Workflows
- Business Intelligence
- SharePoint Reporting Services
- InfoPath
- SharePoint Designer
- Branding SharePoint Sites
- Designing Maintenance Strategy
- Upgrade Strategy
10) SQL Server
Overview of Database Concepts
Basic Database Concepts
- Concepts of Data, Metadata, Files
- Concepts of DBMS
- Database Models
- File Management Systems
- Relational Database Systems
- Procedural & Non procedural approaches
- Database Design
- E.F.Codd’s Rules
Normalization :
- First Normal Form
- Second Normal Form
- Third Normal Form
Introduction to SQL Server :
- Features of SQL Server
- Different Editions of SQL Server
- Components of SQL Server
- Services of SQL Server
- Comparison of SQL Server with Oracle
Database Design :
- Logical & Physical database design
- Relational database design
- Creating databases
Management Studio :
- Basics of SQL
- Data types, expressions, operators
- Working with Queries & Clauses
- Creating Databases
- Creating Tables, Stored Procedures
- Working with Indexes & Views
Sub queries :
- Nested sub queries
- Correlated sub queries
- Derived tables
Implementation of Data integrity :
- Entity integrity
- Domain integrity
- Referential integrity
- Types of constraints
Data Definition Language(DDL) :
- Creation of table
- Modifying the structure of a table
- Dropping a table
- Working with different options
Data Manipulation Language(DML) :
- Inserting, updating & deleting operations
- Operators, Built-in functions, Grouping
- Working with multiple tables
Joins :
- Introduction to Joins
- Inner join
- Outer join
- Cross joins
- Unions
Working with Indexes :
- Introduction to indexes
- Creating, dropping indexes
- Complex indexes
- Clustered & non clustered indexes
Implementing Views :
- Introduction & advantages of views
- Creating views
- Altering, dropping views
Data Control Language(DCL) :
- Creating Users and Roles
- Granting & Revoking of Roles & Privileges
Transaction Control Language (TCL) :
- Introduction
- Transactions process & types of transactions (Implicit, Explicit)
- Working with Locks and Types of locks
Transact-SQL (T-SQL) :
- Introduction
- Data types
- Statements
- Batch Execution
Working with Cursors :
- Creating Cursors
- Cursors vs. Select
- Types of cursors, locks on cursors
- Advantages of cursors
Implementing stored procedures :
- Introduction to stored procedures
- Creating, executing, modifying, dropping sp’s
- Executing extended sp’s
User Defined Functions :
- Introduction
- Creating, executing, altering, dropping UDF’s
- Deterministic, non-deterministic functions
- Scalar, multi-statement, built-in functions
Implementing Triggers :
- Introduction to Triggers
- Constraints vs Triggers
- Creating, altering, dropping triggers
- for/after/instead of triggers
11) Sharepoint Course Content :
- General Introduction
- Introduction to SharePoint
- SharePoint Installation and Administration
- SharePoint Site Hierarchy
- Introduction to Apps – Lists / Libraries
- Predefined List & Libraries
- Security – User Groups and Permissions
- Claim Based Authentication
- Enterprise Content Management
- User Profile Service Administration
- Administering and configuring Search
- PowerShell
- Backup and Restore
- Server Object Model
- Client Object Model
- SharePoint Tools for Visual Studio 2012
- Features
- Visual Studio Templates
- Event Receivers
- Working with WebParts
- InfoPath
- InfoPath External Data
- InfoPath Validation Formatting
- Business Connectivity Service
- Workflow
- SharePoint Designer
12) Struts and Ajax Course Content :
- Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture.
- Model 1 and Model 2 Approach in Web Applications.
- What is a Framework?
- Introduction to Struts 2.0 Framework
Struts Framework Components :
- Controller Components
- Model Components
- View Components
Struts 2.0 Configuring Elements
1.Administrator Elements
- Bean Configuration
- Constant Configuration
- Package Configuration
- Namespace Configuration
- Include Configuration
2.Request Handling Elements
- Interceptor Configuration
- Action Configuration
- Result Configuration
3.Exception Handling
- Exception Configuration
Struts 2.0 Configuring Files
- web.xml
- struts.xml
- struts-default.xml
Interceptors :
- Understanding Interceptors
- Configuring Interceptors
- Stacking Interceptors
- Writing Interceptors
Expression Language :
- OGNL Introduction
- OGNL Language Features
- Working with Collections
Value Stack :
- Temporary Objects
- Model Object
- Action Object
- Named Objects
UI Components :
- Templates
- Themes
- Simple Tags
- Collection based Tags
Type Conversion :
- Built in Type Conversion
- Creating a Type Converter
- Advanced Type Conversion
Validation :
- Manually Validation
- Validation Framework
- Basic Validation
- Client Validation
- Field Validator
- Non Field Validation
Localization / Internationalization :
- UI Tags
- Validation Aware Interface
- Action Support getText Method
- Resource Bundle
- Introduction AJAX
- AJAX Internals
- XML Http Request Object
- AJAX UI Tags
- Div Tag
- Submit Tag
- Anchor Tag
- Tabbed Panel Tag
- Auto Completer Tag
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