Angular with RxJS: Reactive Programming Essentials

Duration: Hours


    Category: Tag:

    Training Mode: Online


    Introduction of Angular with RxJS

    Reactive programming is a key concept in modern Angular applications, enabling efficient data handling, event management, and asynchronous programming. This training provides a deep dive into RxJS (Reactive Extensions for JavaScript), covering observables, operators, subjects, and best practices for integrating RxJS with Angular applications. Participants will learn how to handle real-time data streams, manage state reactively, and optimize performance using RxJS techniques.


    • Basic knowledge of Angular and TypeScript
    • Familiarity with Promises and asynchronous programming
    • Understanding of Angular Services and Components
    • Basic knowledge of JavaScript ES6+ features

    Table of Contents

    1. Introduction to Reactive Programming and RxJS

    1.1 What is Reactive Programming?
    1.2 Understanding RxJS and its Role in Angular(Ref: Angular Performance Essentials: Speed and Efficiency in Action)
    1.3 Key Concepts: Observables, Observers, and Subscriptions
    1.4 Hands-On: Creating and Subscribing to Observables

    2. Core Concepts 

    2.1 RxJS vs Promises: Why Use Observables?
    2.2 Understanding Cold vs Hot Observables
    2.3 Managing Subscriptions and Preventing Memory Leaks
    2.4 Hands-On: Implementing Observables in Angular Services

    3. RxJS Operators: Transforming Data Streams

    3.1 Introduction to Pipeable Operators
    3.2 Filtering Operators: filter, take, first, distinctUntilChanged
    3.3 Transformation Operators: map, switchMap, mergeMap, concatMap
    3.4 Combination Operators: combineLatest, forkJoin, withLatestFrom
    3.5 Error Handling Operators: catchError, retry, retryWhen
    3.6 Hands-On: Using RxJS Operators in Real-World Scenarios

    4. Managing State and Data Flow in Angular with RxJS

    4.1 Using BehaviorSubject, Subject, and ReplaySubject
    4.2 Implementing State Management with RxJS
    4.3 Reactive Forms and RxJS: Handling Form Changes Dynamically
    4.4 Hands-On: Building a State Management System with RxJS

    5. Advanced RxJS Concepts in Angular

    5.1 Debouncing and Throttling User Inputs (debounceTime, throttleTime)
    5.2 Managing WebSocket Connections with RxJS
    5.3 Using RxJS for API Calls and Polling Mechanisms
    5.4 Hands-On: Implementing Real-Time Search with RxJS

    6. Handling Side Effects with RxJS and Angular

    6.1 Introduction to Side Effects in RxJS
    6.2 Using tap for Debugging and Logging
    6.3 Best Practices for Managing Side Effects in Services
    6.4 Hands-On: Logging HTTP Requests and Responses with RxJS

    7. Optimizing Performance with RxJS

    7.1 Reducing Unnecessary HTTP Calls with shareReplay
    7.2 Avoiding Nested Subscriptions and Using Higher-Order Operators
    7.3 Efficiently Handling Large Data Streams
    7.4 Hands-On: Improving API Performance with RxJS Caching

    8. Integrating RxJS with Angular Router and Guards

    8.1 Using RxJS for Route Activation and Navigation Guards
    8.2 Managing Route Parameters with ActivatedRoute and Observables
    8.3 Handling Multiple API Calls in Resolvers with RxJS
    8.4 Hands-On: Securing Routes with RxJS-Powered Guards

    9. Testing RxJS Code in Angular Applications

    9.1 Writing Unit Tests for Observables and Subjects
    9.2 Using Marble Testing for Time-Based Streams
    9.3 Mocking HTTP Requests with fakesync and flush()
    9.4 Hands-On: Testing an Angular Service with RxJS Observables


    By completing this training, participants will gain a strong foundation in RxJS and reactive programming in Angular. They will be able to efficiently manage asynchronous data streams, optimize performance, and handle real-time data in Angular applications. With hands-on exercises and best practices, developers will be equipped to build scalable, reactive, and maintainable Angular applications.



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