Mastering Keras for Data Analytics with Advanced CNNs

Duration: Hours

Training Mode: Online


Keras is the high-level API of TensorFlow 2: an approachable, highly productive interface for solving ML problems, with a focus on modern deep learning.

Objective :

1. Use the powerfully functional Keras API to design and implement advanced deep-learning techniques
2. Design and implement advanced Convolutional Neural Networks for powerful image classification
3. Design and implement object detection networks to identify objects present in images and their location
4. Work with deep generative neural networks for synthetic data generation and semi-supervised learning
5. Develop a stable deep reinforcement-learning system and learn to make optimal decisions via feedback from their environment.


a). Familiarity with machine learning approaches and practical experience with Keras is assumed. Fluency with Python programming is assumed.

1. Preparing yourself for Mastering Keras Journey

a). Keras and TensorFlow Functionality

b). Setting Up the Environment and Teaching Methodology

2. Working with the Keras API Functionality

a). MLPs and Simple Data Analytics

b). CNNs and Basic Image Classification

c). RNNs and Sequential Data Analysis

d). AEs and Denoising Data

3. Developing and Implementing Deep Generative Models

a). What can the generative model do for me

b). Implementing GANs in Keras

c). Implementing VAEs in Keras

4. Advanced CNNs

a). Working with Inception Networks/Layers

b). Residual Networks/Layers

c). Dense Networks

d). Transfer Learning: Applying Advanced Architectures on Real Data

5. Object Detection

a). Introduction to Object Detection Networks

b). Fast RCNNs

c). Region Proposal Networks and Faster RCNNs

6. Deep Reinforcement learning

a). Reinforcement Learning Basics

b). (Epsilon) Q-Learning and Deep Q-Networks

c). Dealing with Instability (1): Experiential Replay

d). Dealing with Instability (2): Double Deep Q-Networks

e). Advantage Networks

f). Actor-Critic Networks

g). Asynchronous Agents and A3C Networks

h). Implementing a Deep Reinforcement Learning

i). Discussion of Real-World Applications

7. One-Shot and Deep Semi-Supervised Learning

a). Significance of One-Shot Learning Methods

b). Siamese Networks

c). Semi-Supervised Learning

d). Semi-supervised learning Using Ladder Networks

e). Semi-Supervised Learning Using GANs


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Contact the L&D Specialist at Locus IT.
LocusIT Academy has more than a decade of experience in delivering training/staffing on Keras for corporates across the globe. The participants for the training/staffing on Keras are delighted and can implement the learnings in their ongoing projects.

Keras is the high-level API of TensorFlow 2: an approachable, highly-productive interface for solving ML problems, with a focus on modern deep learning. It is written in Python and is used to make the implementation of neural networks easy.