Progress 4GL Fundamentals: Introduction to Programming

Duration: Hours


    Category: Tags: ,

    Training Mode: Online


    Introduction of Progress 4GL Fundamentals

    Progress 4GL (also known as Progress OpenEdge ABL) is a powerful programming language that is specifically designed for business application development. It enables developers to build high-performance, data-centric applications that interact with various databases, particularly the Progress database. This training will provide an introduction to the core concepts, syntax, and techniques used in Progress 4GL programming, offering the foundational knowledge needed to develop applications and work with the Progress development environment.

    Prerequisites of Progress 4GL Fundamentals

    • Basic understanding of programming concepts (variables, loops, conditionals).
    • Familiarity with databases and data management concepts (especially relational databases).
    • No prior experience with Progress 4GL is required, but an interest in application development is recommended.


    1.Introduction to Progress 4GL
    1.1 Overview of Progress 4GL
    1.2 History and evolution
    1.3 Key features

    2.Getting Started with Progress 4GL
    2.1 Installation and setup
    2.2 Hello World program(Ref: Product Management: Sizing and Estimation Techniques)
    2.3 Basic syntax and structure

    3.Data Types and Variables
    3.1 Primitive data types
    3.2 Declaring and using variables
    3.3 Constants

    4.Control Structures
    4.1 Conditional statements (IF, ELSE, CASE)
    4.2 Looping structures (FOR, REPEAT, WHILE)
    4.3 Exception handling

    5.Procedures and Functions
    5.1 Defining and calling procedures
    5.2 Function fundamentals
    5.3 Scope and lifetime of variables

    6.Working with Databases
    6.1 Connecting to databases
    6.2 SQL basics in Progress 4GL
    6.3 CRUD operations

    7.GUI Development
    7.1 Introduction to Progress 4GL GUI
    7.2 Creating windows and frames
    7.3 UI controls (buttons, text fields, etc.)


    Progress 4GL offers a powerful, efficient, and scalable approach to business application development. By mastering the fundamentals of this language, developers can build robust data-driven applications that can scale with enterprise needs. With a focus on both core programming techniques and advanced concepts like database management and performance optimization, this course provides a solid foundation for anyone interested in becoming proficient with Progress 4GL. The knowledge gained will empower developers to contribute to meaningful projects and pursue further advancements in their programming careers.



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      Category: Tags: ,