
Duration: Hours



    Training Mode: Online


    GitHub can be thought of as a serious social networking site for software developers. Members can follow each other, rate each other’s work, etc,.

    Getting Started With Collaboration

    1. What is GitHub?
    2. The GitHub Ecosystem
    3. What is Git?
    4. Exploring a GitHub Repository
    5. Using GitHub Issues
    6. Activity: Creating A GitHub Issue
    7. Using Markdown

    Understanding the GitHub Flow

    1. The Essential GitHub Workflow
    2. Branching with Git
    3. Branching Defined
    4. Activity: Creating A Branch with GitHub

    Local Git Configuration

    1. Checking Your Git Version
    2. Git Configuration Levels
    3. Viewing Your Configurations
    4. Configuring Your User Name and Email
    5. Configuring autocrlf

    Working Locally with Git

    1. Creating a Local Copy of the repo
    2. Our Favorite Git command: git status
    3. Using Branches locally
    4. Switching BranchesActivity: Creating a New File
    5. The Two Stage Commit

    Collaborating on Your Code

    1. Pushing Your Changes to GitHub
    2. Activity: Creating a Pull Request
    3. Exploring a Pull Request
    4. Activity: Code Review

    Editing Files on GitHub

    1. Editing a File
    2. Committing Changes

    Merging Pull Requests

    1. Merge Explained
    2. Merging Your Pull Request
    3. Updating Your Local Repository
    4. Cleaning Up the Unneeded Branches

    Viewing Local Project History

    1. Using Git Log
    2. Streamlining Your Workflow with Aliases
    3. Creating Custom Aliases

    Workflow Review Project: GitHub Games

    1. User Accounts vs. Organization Accounts
    2. Introduction to GitHubPages
    3. What is a Fork?
    4. Creating a Fork
    5. Workflow Review: Updating the

    Resolving Merge Conflicts

    1. Local Merge Conflicts

    Working with Multiple Remotes

    1. Remote Merge Conflicts
    2. Exploring

    Searching for Events in Your Code

    1. What is git bisect?
    2. Finding the Bug in Our Project

    Reverting Commits

    1. How Commits Are Made
    2. Safe Operations
    3. Reverting Commits

    Helpful Git Commands

    1. Moving and Renaming Files with Git
    2. Staging Hunks of Changes

    Viewing Local Changes

    1. Comparing Changes within the Repository

    Creating a New Local Repository

    1. Initializing a New Local Repository

    Fixing Commit Mistakes

    1. Revising Your Last Commit

    Rewriting History with GitReset

    1. Understanding Reset
    2. Reset Modes
    3. Reset Soft
    4. Reset Mixed
    5. Reset Hard
    6. Does Gone Really Mean Gone?

    Getting it Back

    1. You Just Want That One Commit
    2. Oops,I Didn’t Mean to Reset

    Merge Strategies: Rebase

    1. About Git rebase
    2. Understanding Git Merge Strategies
    3. Creating a Linear History

    Appendix A: Talking About Workflows

    1. Discussion Guide: Team Workflows


    For more inputs on GitHub Training you can connect here.
    Contact the L&D Specialist at Locus IT.

    Locus Academy has more than a decade experience in delivering the training/staffing on GitHub  for corporates across the globe. The participants for the training/staffing on GitHub  are extremely satisfied and are able to implement the learnings in their on going projects.

    ass=”yoast-text-mark”>ass=”ILfuVd” lang=”en”>GitHub can be thought of as a serious social networking site for software developers. Members can follow each other, rate each other’s work, receive updates for specific projects and communicate publicly or privately. Three important terms used by developers in GitHub are fork, pull request and merge.</span></span></span>

