Spring Boot Microservices

Duration: Hours



    Training Mode: Online


    Spring Boot Microservices


    Welcome to the Spring Boot Microservices training program! This course is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of developing and managing microservices using the Spring Boot framework. You will learn how to build scalable, resilient, and maintainable microservices-based applications while applying best practices in distributed system design, deployment, and monitoring.


    By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

    • Understand the fundamentals of microservices architecture.
    • Develop microservices using Spring Boot.
    • Implement RESTful APIs and communicate between microservices.
    • Handle security, configuration management, and service discovery.
    • Deploy and monitor Spring Boot microservices in production environments.
    • Implement resilience and fault tolerance in microservices.


    Target Audience:

    • Java developers looking to transition from monolithic to microservices architecture.
    • System architects aiming to design scalable, distributed systems.
    • DevOps engineers who want to understand microservices from a development perspective.


    To get the most out of this training, participants should have:

    1. Basic knowledge of Java programming: Familiarity with Java SE is necessary.
    2. Experience with Spring Framework: Basic understanding of Spring Core (IoC, DI) and Spring MVC.
    3. Familiarity with RESTful services: Knowledge of creating and consuming REST APIs.
    4. Understanding of Maven/Gradle: Experience in project building and dependency management.
    5. Basic understanding of Docker and containers (for advanced sessions).



    Table of Contents by Session

    Session 1: Introduction to Microservices and Spring Boot

    1. Introduction to Microservices
    2. Benefits of Microservices Architecture
    3. Challenges of Microservices Architecture
    4. Overview of Spring Boot
    5. Setting up Spring Boot for Microservices
    6. Creating a Simple Spring Boot Application


    Session 2: Building RESTful Microservices with Spring Boot

    1. RESTful Web Services and Microservices
    2. Building RESTful APIs with Spring Boot
    3. Integrating HTTP Methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
    4. Data Handling with Spring Data JPA
    5. Exception Handling and Validation in Microservices
    6. HATEOAS and Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State


    Session 3: Communication Between Microservices

    1. Synchronous Communication with REST
    2. Introduction to Feign Clients
    3. Service-to-Service Communication with Feign
    4. Asynchronous Communication with Messaging (RabbitMQ/Kafka)
    5. Handling Distributed Transactions


    Session 4: Service Discovery and Load Balancing

    1. Introduction to Service Discovery
    2. Setting up Eureka Server and Client
    3. Client-Side Load Balancing with Ribbon
    4. Overview of Spring Cloud Load Balancer
    5. Using Spring Cloud OpenFeign for Declarative REST Clients


    Session 5: API Gateway and Centralized Configuration

    1. Introduction to API Gateways
    2. Setting up Spring Cloud Gateway
    3. Route Configuration and Filters
    4. Implementing a Centralized Configuration with Spring Cloud Config
    5. Dynamic Configuration Updates


    Session 6: Security in Microservices

    1. Introduction to Microservices Security Challenges
    2. Securing APIs with Spring Security and OAuth2
    3. Authentication and Authorization
    4. Implementing Single Sign-On (SSO) with Spring Security OAuth2
    5. JWT Token-Based Authentication


    Session 7: Resilience and Fault Tolerance

    1. Introduction to Resilience and Fault Tolerance in Microservices
    2. Implementing Circuit Breakers with Resilience4j
    3. Timeout and Retry Mechanisms
    4. Bulkhead Patterns
    5. Distributed Logging and Monitoring


    Session 8: Testing Microservices

    1. Introduction to Testing in Microservices
    2. Unit Testing with JUnit and Mockito
    3. Integration Testing for Microservices
    4. End-to-End Testing Strategies
    5. Contract Testing with Spring Cloud Contract


    Session 9: Dockerizing and Deploying Spring Boot Microservices

    1. Introduction to Containerization and Docker
    2. Dockerizing Spring Boot Microservices
    3. Introduction to Kubernetes for Orchestrating Containers
    4. Deploying Microservices on Kubernetes
    5. Scaling Microservices in Kubernetes


    Session 10: Monitoring and Observability

    1. Introduction to Observability in Microservices
    2. Monitoring with Spring Boot Actuator
    3. Distributed Tracing with Sleuth and Zipkin
    4. Centralized Logging with ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana)
    5. Prometheus and Grafana for Metrics and Alerting


    Session 11: Event-Driven Microservices

    1. Introduction to Event-Driven Architecture
    2. Implementing Event-Driven Communication with Kafka
    3. CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) and Event Sourcing
    4. Handling Eventual Consistency in Microservices


    Session 12: Advanced Topics and Best Practices

    1. Best Practices for Microservices Architecture
    2. Versioning and Backward Compatibility in Microservices
    3. Handling Data Consistency across Microservices
    4. Dealing with Legacy Systems in Microservices
    5. Case Studies and Real-World Examples

    External Reference



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